Many have experienced emotional wounding through verbal, physical, or sexual abuse. Distress associated with abuse is not typically something that heals with time. Victims of abuse frequently carry the effects of such trauma throughout their lives and it affects the way they experience themselves and their relationships.
A traumatic event changes a person’s life as it leaves its mark and impact on an individual, emotionally, spiritually and sometimes physically. When left unprocessed, experiences of abuse and trauma can result in effects that can last for years.
Abuse and trauma – whether a single incident or a series of events – are often near the root of many other problematic behaviors or emotional conditions. Each person’s response to abuse or trauma is unique, and those who have the same or similar experiences often have different responses. Individual therapy, sometimes coupled with group or family therapy, can help clients move towards healing.
Many of the therapists at Family Legacy are trained to identify and address issues related to abuse and trauma, providing an option to individuals and families who wish to recover a part of themselves which seems to be lost.
If you’re ready for recovery, please call us at (515) 727-1338 to speak with one of our front desk staff about getting scheduled with the right therapist for you.